A Healthy Postpartum

To begin the journey to greater health the first thing you need is imagination. You need to see beyond today to perceive that you can indeed say no to seconds, cheesecake and overcome other struggles. Right now all your clothes fit you, your comfortable. Buy a pair of jeans a size or two to small. I knew I could make it back from 180lbs to 155 because I had been 155 only a year earlier and had an entire wardrobe I wanted to fit again.

Since last January I've become considerably healthier, tracked by weight and messurment, I've lost 35lbs and a total of 12 inches which can be seen in greater d-tail in the messurments tab above. I love feeling healthy and every time I'm excercising I get to thinking, how can I help other people break ground in their own health transformation. The best way I could think of was sharing the day by day process that brought me to where I am now.

I hope you are inpired by my fitness story. As I record my P90X round 1 journey and other health endevours I have attempted, both the successes and the failures. I stared a round of insanity assylum, but realized in the first week it was above my current abilities. I'm going to be taking the P90X challenge for another spin.

as a note, I'm still updating my 2011 P90X round 1 story, I did record most days in the journey, it's just a matter of typing them out and posting them

Monday, January 31, 2011

17 Days of Turbo Jam

I've now done 10 workouts in total, I'm impressed. Diet is still no good though so I'm really sabotaging my potential results by my food weeknessess... not having a kitchen right now due to renovations doesn't help. I'm pretty sure I've become a stress eater, I'm stressed that I can't cook so I eat a lot of junk and I eat out not good, though there are healthy options.

Something isn't working and I wonder how long it's going to take for me to get it through my head that no amount of food is going to be enough. I can't eat that chocolate craving away I have to fight it off and then it will leave me alone once I beat it into submition and show it who's boss of this here body. Yeah, I need to become a part of chocohaulics anonimous or something because I can't touch the stuff or I go nuts for more and more every day, and donuts...

Mission Accomplished I did my turbo jam for today =D

Eating: 3 pieces of cake, 3 cups coffee, ate very little throughout the day a couple pb&j toasts then overate at supper.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Going strong with Turbo Jam Day 13

Wow, I can't believe it, 13 days and I've only missed two of my schedualed workouts, one of which I made up for on a break day, so only missing 1 workout of all that are suposed to be completed is pretty impressive I think =)
I felt it yesterday, I did Ab Jam for the first time and wow I felt good the next morning. Today was my first day with Cardio Party and I'm sure my lungs and heart are thanking me.

Food is still sabotaging my efforts though, I may have only missed one day of working out but I have only eaten well on one day of all 13 which is pretty bad... in these days not only have I eaten wrong portions and at wrong times, but also have had about ten donuts, five chocolate bars and an excessive amount of peanut butter, which are my foods of weekness. So the plan is, tomorrow I'm going to do three things toward improving the things fueling my body:

1. Set my cell phone's alarm for every two hours and eat within an hour of the alarm going off.
2. Take my vitamin in the morning and my fish oil pills three times throughout the day.
3. Record everything I'm about to eat and the time I eat it, before it goes in the mouth.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Turbo Jam Day 11

How many times have I tried making a go at a fitness routine or building healthy eating habits now on this blog? I sure read, write and think enough about it, but it's doing it that matters. I'm proud of my eating habits through my pregnancy as I nurished my body well and it rewarded me with extremely minimal stretch marks and a completely flat belly once my little girl was out of it (10lb 2oz not so little I supose) It's the porstnatal health that's getting me down.

I had a bit of coasting health from my highly active lifestyle before pregnancy and then during I kept moderately active and conciously ate well for the baby, afterward though through getting off to a rough start with breastfeeding I heard that I was to thin to produce enough milk or wasn't eating enough, so I started eating everything I could find and all my energy was poured into pumping and feeding babe wich meant a lot of sitting around mingled with resting in between. Now that things are going well I want to find an appropriate balance of exercise, nutrition, and rest.

I've succesfully been eating more veggies, among other foods I munched on a head of broccoli and three leaves of lettuce yesterday and I'm very proud of myself for staying away from some birthday cheese cake. In the eleven days I've been following the beginner turbo jam routine I've only eaten clean for one, and that was yesterday. Today was really bad, I ate a big meal at noon, a cream filled crousant at 2, then an enormous meal at 8. Bad portion control and timing, which as I have come to understand are both important aspects in healthy eating.

I really didn't want to do my workout today, not at all, in fact I didn't do it until 11 pm, when I put babe to bed and decided that I was only going to get one chance to put that X on the calandar saying I did my workout today and that was today so I got up and did it yay me!

It doesn't matter that I've many different starts and read many books, it just matters that I don't give up because with dedication I believe I will make it to health again.