A Healthy Postpartum

To begin the journey to greater health the first thing you need is imagination. You need to see beyond today to perceive that you can indeed say no to seconds, cheesecake and overcome other struggles. Right now all your clothes fit you, your comfortable. Buy a pair of jeans a size or two to small. I knew I could make it back from 180lbs to 155 because I had been 155 only a year earlier and had an entire wardrobe I wanted to fit again.

Since last January I've become considerably healthier, tracked by weight and messurment, I've lost 35lbs and a total of 12 inches which can be seen in greater d-tail in the messurments tab above. I love feeling healthy and every time I'm excercising I get to thinking, how can I help other people break ground in their own health transformation. The best way I could think of was sharing the day by day process that brought me to where I am now.

I hope you are inpired by my fitness story. As I record my P90X round 1 journey and other health endevours I have attempted, both the successes and the failures. I stared a round of insanity assylum, but realized in the first week it was above my current abilities. I'm going to be taking the P90X challenge for another spin.

as a note, I'm still updating my 2011 P90X round 1 story, I did record most days in the journey, it's just a matter of typing them out and posting them

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Insanity the Asylum Day 3

Just a heads up, this is a really intense program if you couldn't tell by the name. I find it harder on the body than P90X was, today my knee and wrist hurt but not in the good sort of way that feels like impending progress a bad sort of caution sign way. Wrists and knees are pretty inportant body parts so I'm going to be extra gentle with them.

As for eating, hmm once again feeling comfortable gets in the way of progress. I liked how I felt today I like fitting into my clothes again so I figured I'd eat a plate of derserts at lunch... and an ice cap in the afternoon... and a blizzard a little later. Wait a minute, aren't I suposed to be cleaning up my eating habits for the next two weeks.

Workout: Back to Core, Relief
Intensity: 10

quick oats 3/4 cup (I was hungry right after breakfast yesterday so I added a little more to it)
banana 1/2
raspberries 1 cup
slim styles meal shake 1 scoop
almond milk 1 cup

sunflower seeds 1/4 cup
prunes 5

hot dog 2
whole grain hot dog bun 1
ketchup & mustard 2 tbsp
salad 3 cups
dressing 3 tbsp
refried beans and hot dogs 1 cup
angel food cake 1 slice
brownie 1 piece
chocolate chip oatmeal cookie 1
oreo extra stuff cookie 3
coffee 2 cups powdered creamer 2 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp

Tims ice cap made with chocolate milk large
tripple chocolate blizzard medium

slim styles meal shake 1 scoop
almond milk 1 cup
strawberries 1/2 cup

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Insanity the Asylum Begins

Goodbye P90X my 90 day workout buddy hello Insanity my new 30 day workout buddy.

This is my second day doing the workout, first day following the nutrition guide, what do I have to say about it... 0_0; this was my face during yesterdays entire routine "speed and agility". P90X was hard but I could at least keep moving through everything even if I wasn't doing it as enthusiasticly as them, with this routine I had to just stop and catch my breath before every new move, it was less than 50 minutes and the hardest workout I've done in my life.
I kept thinking, my heart loves me for this.

Today was strength, it's amazing how much stregth training it packs into a short amount of time. I love this workout! Definately a love hate sort of relationship though, I love that it challenges me in a way I've never been challenged before I have something to strive for, I hate that it challenges me because I'm not there yet and getting there hurts. More love though.

Workout: Strength
Intensity: 10

Slimstyles meal shake 1 scoop
almond milk 1 cup
blue berries 3/4 cup

eggs 2
whole grain toast 1
becel vegan margarine 1 tsp
earl grey tea 1 cup, 1 tsp honey

Nuworld wholesome wild rice blend 1 cup (made in a rice cooker with 1 packet chicken boulion)
asparagus 1/4 cup
onion 1/4 cup (cooked veggies in a little chicken broth)
chicken breast 4oz (fried with Mrs Dash seasoning and mixed it with rice and veggies)

romain, green leaf, strawberries, mushrooms, green onion salad 4 cups
home made poppyseed dressing 2 tbsp

green pepper, red pepper, mushroom, onion, grated ginger, garlic, chicken breast stir fried in 1/2 cup chicken broth 3 1/2 cups (first fried the chicken breast with Mrs Dash seasoning)

P90X Day 90 reflections

Well the big 90 came and went without much fan fare, it was actually a little anti climactic. Nearing the end I was really slacking off and not getting all my workouts in or watching what I ate so much. I supose I got comfortable, I felt better, looked better what more did I need so I definately didn't reach the full potential.
I didn't even take the 90 day pictures because they would have looked so similar to the 60 day pictures. Actually on the very day I headed out to go camping with my whole family for the weekend and did I eat much unhealthy food? I did indeed.

However I am truly impressed with what results I got it has jump started my fitness I feel motivated to keep going.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

P90X Day 85

I walked 3 miles around town to do some erands and visiting but didn't do my workout. I had a headache from being in a room with a pick coil, which was better than being in a room with mosquitos and my eyes burned from the onions that where cut for egg rolls.
I've got to do something about my sleeping habits, I slept in to late to go to moms and tots today I was sad to miss it =(

waffles 4
butter 3 tbsp
lite aunt gemimas maple syrup 4 tbsp

whole wheat bread 2
butter 1 tbsp
jam 2 tbsp
DQ buster bar

Monday, July 11, 2011

P90X Day 84

Surprisingly even after everything I ate yesterday I felt great in the morning.
Wesley woke up at 6:30 in the morning for some strange reason fortunately she wasn't to difficult about going back to sleep.

coyotes flax seed ready mix pancakes 4
butter 2 tbsp
lite aunt gemimas maple syrup 3 tbsp
coffee 1 cup sugar 1 tbsp milk 0% 3 tbsp

arrowroot cookies 2

bean soup* 11/2 cups
lite campbells alphabet soup 1 1/2 cups

bean soup* 1 cup
cheese string

spanish rice with peas 1 cup

two scoops ice cream cone

Sunday, July 10, 2011

P90X Day 83

woo hoo, second time I've done this so far, I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and did my workout it felt so good throughout the day knowing I didn't have it hanging over my head all day. In the evening I sat back and thought, you know I'd be struggling to find time to fit this in now, but I've already done it so yay me.

I guess I should really start thinking about what I'm going to do after day 90. I did taekwondo from when I was 15 to just last year at 6 months pregnant so I know how to be intense which is probably why I'm getting such great results even with an unhealthy snack here and there.

Part of the reason I had initially started P90X was because I went back to class 5 months after having Wesley and couldn't stand how poorly I did, in my head I knew I could do the things they where asking me to but my body just wouldn't do it, I actually gave up half way through and left.

That club isn't running anymore but Wade drives an hour twice a week to another club, they train national fighters, secretly I hope I'll get good enough to make it into that class. Maybe I'll join him with that and continue doing weights on the other days... oh, and I'll fit yoga in somewhere cause I love it so, and stretching because it's so very good for me. In fact I'm not sure which ones I could part with except Kenpo because Taekwondo would replace it.

Workout: Kenpo
Intensity: 9 it was morning and I didn't quite feel all there yet

whole grain bagel
lite strawberry cream cheese

marie tea time cookies 3

farmer sausage 4oz
frozen burger 4oz
white burger bun 2
fried mushrooms 1/4 cup
lettuce 1/2 cup
tomato 1/4 cup
ketchup and mustard 3 tbsp
watermelon 1 cup
bell peppers 3/4 cup
lemon mirangue pie 2 large pieces
chocolate cake 1 small piece
sour cream and onion potatoe chips 1/2 cup

yogurt cup 1% 2

mixed bean soup* 1 1/2 cup
greek bread salad* 2 1/2 cups

raspberries 1/4 cup
strawberries 1/4 cup
banana 1/2
milk 0% 1 1/2 cup

*from the recipe book Company's Coming 30 Minute Diabetic Cook Book

Saturday, July 9, 2011

P90X Day 82

I got to bed around 2AM last night after completing my workout, the important thing is though, I completed it. I'm finally seeing progress with the chin ups, 83 days later and it's about time I was beginning to think I'd never be able to do more than three (with chair suport by the way) my goal is to be able to do 1 without the chair by my fit test on day 90

We went to the Ichiban Japanese restaraunt for Dans 25th birthday they cooked the food right in front of you and put on a show it was very entertaining and I got to see everything that was going into my food, though I didn't know what all the sauces where.

Workout: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper
Intensty: 10

whole grain bagel
lite strawberry cream cheese 3 tbsp

value pack protein bar

turkey taco salad 2 cups
chinese 5 spice chicken noodle soup
1/2 whole grain bagel

marie tea time cookie 2

veggie soup 1 cup
white rice 1 1/2 cup
shrimp 4oz
chicken breast 5oz
sirloin steak 5oz
mixed veggies 1 cup
soy sauce, terryaki, sesami oil type of sauces for everything amounted to about 3/4 cup
traditional japanese green tea 1/2 cup
green tea ice cream 1/2 cup

Friday, July 8, 2011

P90X Day 81

Alright, I must confess, I chose to hang curtains and clean upstairs today instead of do my workout. Wesley went for a wonderful long nap in which I could have gotten it done but I told myself, you know I'll just do it when she's awake I'm sure she can keep herself entertained and play around me while I do it. But I didn't even try it out once she woke up. On the other hand, the curtains look great =D.

I was going to do it after she went to bed as I have taken to doing lately (and wind up in bed by around 1:30AM most nights) but I fell asleep. I'm not discouraged by it though maybe I'll just swap today with sunday and count it as my rest day, then I'll still get all my workouts in, I'll just miss stretching which is sad cause I do enjoy stretching.

In other news, my cat brought a live garter snake into my bed last night the bigest one I've seen in my life, fortunately he was standing guard over it and wouldn't let it go anywhere. That's what I get for falling asleep instead of doing my P90X.

whole wheat bagel
lite strawberry cream cheese 3 tbsp

value pack protein bar

five spice chinese chicken soup* 2 1/2 cups

whole wheat bread 2 pieces
butter 1 tbsp
cheddar cheese 3oz
no sugar jam 2 tbsp

turkey taco salad* five cups

Snack I was still hungry at the end of the day so had an extra snack
vector cereal 1 1/2 cups
milk 0% 1 cup

green tea 3 cups
arrowroot cookies 3

*from the recipe book Company's Coming 30 Minute Diabetic Cooking

Thursday, July 7, 2011

P90X Day 80

The big 80, only ten days away. I've definately been cheeting a lot this month. I want to get more serious though. I'd like to prove to Wade how incredible this program is so he'll join me for round two later, I'm absolutely certain that if I could get my eating right and stop sneaking junk in with my healthy food I'd blow myself away with the results. Only way to know is to try it.

Lissy went food shopping with me today, yay I love when I've got a whole fresh stock of healthy food in the house it gets me pumped for the upcoming week.

apple cinnamon instant oatmeal
milk 0% 1/4 cup

milk 0% 1 cup
marie tea time cookie
sunflower seeds 2 tbsp

low sodium alphabet veggie soup 1 1/2 cups
canteloup 1/2 melon

mcdonalds hot fudge sunday

white hot dog bun
ketchup and mustard 2 tbsp
mayonaise 1 tbsp
2 pieces little caesars pizza

homemade caramel mocha smoothie
lite microwave popcorn 1/2 bag

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

P90X Day 78

I did my Plyometrics, I'm so happy with myself. Fed Wesely, bathed her, and as soon as she went to sleep I did it. No stalling or distractions today.

Today Lissy and Mom came over to help me get the house ready for the evaluation they worked on painting the back fence and cleaning my yard, which I am extremely grateful for. Then we went to a second hand store and picked out some nifty decorations for my house and tried to get curtains put up but found we had chosen the wrong size of curtain rods, that was a little disapointing.

Workout: Plyometrics
Intensity: 10 but I didn't do the bonus end bit, I just did some extra stretching

apple cinnamon instand oatmeal pack
milk 0% 1/4 cup

Value pack meal bar

chicken quasadilla wrap
tornados house salad
coffee 2 cups 4 creamers 4 sugar packs

chocolate milk 1L

french toast 4 slices
low sugar syrup 4 tbsp
1 egg
1 cup 0% milk

milk 0%
4 marie tea time cookies *I eat these now and then just cause I love them not for any nutrition reason.

Monday, July 4, 2011

P90X Day 77

How did my plan to eat healthy all day today go? Great, it went super untill in the evening when Wade and I got into an argument and solved it by going to Dairy Queen. Dairy Queen is an excellent problem solver. I had a flamethrower burger, fries, and a waffle bowl, mmmm I love waffle bowls I don't know if I'll ever be able to give them up completely, we shall see. Maybe one day I will learn to love salads more =/

Workout: Chest Shoulders and Tri, Ab Ripper
Intensity: 10

Sunday, July 3, 2011

P90X Day 76

I'm on day 76 and I feel like giving up, I've got such good results and it's really worked, but this week has just been very discouraging because I'm not making any more progress as I haven't been eating right or getting my workout done. I don't know why all of a sudden I can't seem to eat right or get my workout in anymore I've run out of steam. Maybe it's because Wesleys been fussier than usual and caring for her has been more strenuous.

Looking over everything I've eaten today and have concluded this is my third bad day in these 76 days, and I gotta say, I feel terrible. I'm sure it's partly the heat because it's really warm in here, but I just don't feel very healthy today I've been eating way to much bad food. It's been a bad week. I hope I can do better next week. Tomorrow I'm going to do the same thing I did last monday and see if I can do a whole day of proper eating also, I'm going to call about ordering the meal shake I've been looking into getting.

I'm just discouraged about the healthy eating, I do fine in the morning it seems, but in the evenings I just eat whatevers near by which is ok when I'm in my house where there isn't really anything bad I can snack on. My mentality about food has to change, I need to be saying no more.

Today I went out to the country and spent most of the day doing things with lissy. We went for a bike ride, then swimming, and finally tanning.

I am determined not to give up. I will do better tomorrow, no excuses. I didn't come this far to give up now. I think I can get away with bad food choices, somehow I trick myself into thinking that. I can do this, and I will do it. Tomorrow will be a good day. My last week of working out and I am going to Bring It! whoo!

milk 0% 1 cup
protein powder scoop

value pack bar

hot dog
white hot dog bun
ketchup and mustard 2 tbsp
garden salad 1 1/2 cups
chocolate covered mini doughnut 3
small slice of apple pie
half spice cake square
coffee with 1 tbsp creamer and sugar

yogurt cup 1%
broccoli salad 1 cup
4 marie tea time cookies

hot dog 2
white hot dog bun
ketchup and mustard 2 tbsp
potato salad 1 cup
broccoli salad 1 cup

orange smoothie cooler
pink lemonade with scoop of sherbert ice cream on top
two mcdonalds double cheese burgers
1 bag of microwave popcorn
1/4 cup reices pieces

Saturday, July 2, 2011

P90X Day 75

So far in 75 days I've had two really bad eating days, and this was one of them. At least this day was better than my other one in which I ate unhealthy every meal of the day except lunch, today I had an unhelpful evening. My poor eating choices made getting motivated to do my workout difficult, "I ate so bad today what's the point" but I told myself what's going to help, doing it or not doing it. I chose the helpful option and did it, enthusiastically too.

I'm feeling pumped for the upcoming week. Tomorrow is sunday so that's stretching and then I've got my last week of lifting and then on to the recovery week and I'm done my 90 days. I'm going to see just what all this work has amounted to in the next week, my goal is to be able to do 1 pull up without using the chair by the end of all this.

Workout: Kenpo
Intensity: 10

milk 0% 1 cup
protein powder scoop

value pack meal bar

double double coffee
oatmeal date cookie

oatmeal date cookie
marie tea time cookie

potato salad 2 cups
broccoli salad 2 cups
pork chop 8 oz
apple pie 1 large slice and a regular sized slice, in retrospect I'm glad there wasn't any ice cream =/

can of coke with rum
heineken mango cooler
1/2 beer
2 cups coffee
candy creamer 4 tbsp
this list is scary I drank way to many unutritious calories

Friday, July 1, 2011

P90X Day 74

It was Canada day today I'm not sure what it is that took my entire day away, but I didn't do my workout today. At the beginning my workout was first priority over any kind of house work. I think I've started to count on myself doing it in the evening to much and not trying to just fit it in wherever it will fit.

I used to nap in the morning with Wesley, then do weights during her second nap and abs at night when she fell asleep, except for yoga which I only did after she fell asleep so I wouldn't be interupted because it's the longest one and it sort of builds on itself as you become warmed up, and only if I missed doing it during her nap I would do it at night. Lately I've been counting on my nights get it all done, and my evenings have been especially busy, considering that it's summer.

After the fireworks we went to Tims and visited with Trevor, Travis, and Keirsten Then went back to countess where people where having cake and ice cream, it wasn't hard to resist those treats just after what I had at Tims.

milk 0% 1 cup
protein powder scoop

value pack meal bar

banana french toast scramble
  -2 slices rye bread
  -1 banana
  -1 egg
  -1/4 cup milk 0%
  -butter 1 tbsp
  -syrup 1 tbsp

3 scrambled eggs
black diamond marbled cheese 4oz

slow cooker beef stroganoff 3/4 cup
whole wheat noodles 1 cup
garden salad 1 1/2 cups
light caesar salad 2 tbsp

whole grain orange carrot muffin
ice cap supreme with chocolate milk and mint flavour shot
double double coffee