A Healthy Postpartum

To begin the journey to greater health the first thing you need is imagination. You need to see beyond today to perceive that you can indeed say no to seconds, cheesecake and overcome other struggles. Right now all your clothes fit you, your comfortable. Buy a pair of jeans a size or two to small. I knew I could make it back from 180lbs to 155 because I had been 155 only a year earlier and had an entire wardrobe I wanted to fit again.

Since last January I've become considerably healthier, tracked by weight and messurment, I've lost 35lbs and a total of 12 inches which can be seen in greater d-tail in the messurments tab above. I love feeling healthy and every time I'm excercising I get to thinking, how can I help other people break ground in their own health transformation. The best way I could think of was sharing the day by day process that brought me to where I am now.

I hope you are inpired by my fitness story. As I record my P90X round 1 journey and other health endevours I have attempted, both the successes and the failures. I stared a round of insanity assylum, but realized in the first week it was above my current abilities. I'm going to be taking the P90X challenge for another spin.

as a note, I'm still updating my 2011 P90X round 1 story, I did record most days in the journey, it's just a matter of typing them out and posting them

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Insanity the Asylum Begins

Goodbye P90X my 90 day workout buddy hello Insanity my new 30 day workout buddy.

This is my second day doing the workout, first day following the nutrition guide, what do I have to say about it... 0_0; this was my face during yesterdays entire routine "speed and agility". P90X was hard but I could at least keep moving through everything even if I wasn't doing it as enthusiasticly as them, with this routine I had to just stop and catch my breath before every new move, it was less than 50 minutes and the hardest workout I've done in my life.
I kept thinking, my heart loves me for this.

Today was strength, it's amazing how much stregth training it packs into a short amount of time. I love this workout! Definately a love hate sort of relationship though, I love that it challenges me in a way I've never been challenged before I have something to strive for, I hate that it challenges me because I'm not there yet and getting there hurts. More love though.

Workout: Strength
Intensity: 10

Slimstyles meal shake 1 scoop
almond milk 1 cup
blue berries 3/4 cup

eggs 2
whole grain toast 1
becel vegan margarine 1 tsp
earl grey tea 1 cup, 1 tsp honey

Nuworld wholesome wild rice blend 1 cup (made in a rice cooker with 1 packet chicken boulion)
asparagus 1/4 cup
onion 1/4 cup (cooked veggies in a little chicken broth)
chicken breast 4oz (fried with Mrs Dash seasoning and mixed it with rice and veggies)

romain, green leaf, strawberries, mushrooms, green onion salad 4 cups
home made poppyseed dressing 2 tbsp

green pepper, red pepper, mushroom, onion, grated ginger, garlic, chicken breast stir fried in 1/2 cup chicken broth 3 1/2 cups (first fried the chicken breast with Mrs Dash seasoning)

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