A Healthy Postpartum

To begin the journey to greater health the first thing you need is imagination. You need to see beyond today to perceive that you can indeed say no to seconds, cheesecake and overcome other struggles. Right now all your clothes fit you, your comfortable. Buy a pair of jeans a size or two to small. I knew I could make it back from 180lbs to 155 because I had been 155 only a year earlier and had an entire wardrobe I wanted to fit again.

Since last January I've become considerably healthier, tracked by weight and messurment, I've lost 35lbs and a total of 12 inches which can be seen in greater d-tail in the messurments tab above. I love feeling healthy and every time I'm excercising I get to thinking, how can I help other people break ground in their own health transformation. The best way I could think of was sharing the day by day process that brought me to where I am now.

I hope you are inpired by my fitness story. As I record my P90X round 1 journey and other health endevours I have attempted, both the successes and the failures. I stared a round of insanity assylum, but realized in the first week it was above my current abilities. I'm going to be taking the P90X challenge for another spin.

as a note, I'm still updating my 2011 P90X round 1 story, I did record most days in the journey, it's just a matter of typing them out and posting them

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Abs Diet

It's a very good book for learning what to look for and watch out for on nutrition labels, learning how to space out your meals to optimize their benefit to you, and developing a well rounded basic workout routine. The only downfall I found is preference for chemicals in place of natural fats, for example I don't eat margarine or low fat mayonaise as sugested, and I buy 1 or 2 percent yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese and regular mayonaise because small amounts of the natural fats are a necessary part of healthy eating.

I read the Abs Diet in 2007 and learned a lot, in fact it's one of the things that helped keep me at my prepregnancy 155 lbs, unfortunately I've been maintaining my healthy weight so long I don't know how to loose weight. The change of lifestyle that came with having a newborn has me at 177 lbs that's overweight and unhealthy.

My plan is to read the abs diet again, in the back of my mind I sort of thought I'm still incorporating the ideas from the book into my life, but if I'm honest with myself I know it's not true, my diet and lifestyle needs an examination and redirection. I don't think ten oreo cookies, or ten christmas goodies, or fifteen chocolates throughout my day on a regular basis where a part of the plan.

So, to some extent I followed the eating plan today. Exept for the Trix I had for breakfast... but that's not super bad cause I didn't eat a lot and I've been eating good portions at the right times the rest of the day. I need to do food shopping again soon so I'll be getting all kinds of good supplies for healthy eating on this plan.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Still no progress

Yes, I'm still thinking about being healthy...
thinking has to make it's way into doing yet though

I got pants as a christmas gift, it was a little depressing cause they where a little tight at size 13, while I used to fit between 11 and 12 comfortable. Breastfeeding does require a bit of extra fat so that the hormones can circulate properly and I know I'm required to eat a lot so that my body is being taken care of and producing milk (they sure don't put dairy cows on low calorie diets and for good reason) but that doesn't mean chocolate and ice cream...

I need to eat healthier and get more activity into the day. I realize that I'm not suposed to be training for a marathon or anything at this point but I was out of breath after two rounds of DDR that's ridiculous.

My hopes:
Get the house clean
Declutter my house and my goals. My goals are top heavy in comparison to the time and mental energy I spend on them. I need to stream line them so that I can actually get some of them done.
Work out a daily routine for keeping the house clean
Make excercise a part of that daily routine
Cook low sodium and low fat foods, keep away from processed foods, eat more vegitables

How am I going to do this:
Invite mel over tomorrow to help with house cleaning
Wake up and eat breakfast then do a bigest loser workout
Sit down with my household coach binder and organise it, make a section for thoughts and daily evaluations
Write about my goals and select what I'm going to be working on for the next month

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Being Healthy an overview

I am finally seeing that health begins with a simple statement, that is not just said, but felt and believed. That statement is some like, "I want to take care of myself." or "I want to honor myself." It takes effort and patience to really slow down enough in life to pay attention to our dietary habits. Yet to really regain your health, you need to carefully listen to the signals your body is telling you about how much foods to eat, and what types of foods to eat.

"The best way to find out about your unconscious apart from dream analysis is by doing what I call the Daily Review. With its help you can find out your true reactions to certain events; you begin to pull off masks and stop pretenses. You can find out where your actions go against a spiritual law.

The daily review should be conducted in the following manner:

Let the whole day pass in front of your eyes and in your memory; think of everything that has happened and has given you, in some way, a disharmonious feeling or reaction.

And no matter how wrong the other may have been, the moment you have been negatively touched by it, there must be something wrong within you. Write down in a few words the occasions, your reactions and associations. If you follow this practice through for some time to come, and not just once or twice, but faithfully, you will see after a while a clear pattern emerging.

At first, these disharmonious incidents will appear entirely unconnected and isolated; they will be meaningless for you. Later on you will begin to sense and, in time, clearly understand the pattern. This will help greatly.

Pray for enlightenment and guidance every time you conduct the daily review. Then ideas will flow into you and will eventually furnish you with further clues, though at first they may not make sense to you. Do not discard any of the ideas; do not resist them. Later on, all of them will form a clear picture. As with a puzzle, when you look at the pieces, you cannot see the picture, but if you patiently put them together, you will succeed."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 10 totally broken dieting

Dang. I don't use words like that, I don't even think words like that, I'm a hypercleanmouth/head. I used to feel hot and attractive, eleven months ago. I feel like crap today D= no the diet is not going well nor the excercising. I can't be completely negative though, at almost three months old, the little girl has finally learned how to breastfeed like a champ so, yeah, a beautiful ray of sunshine to brighten my dark day.

I had the flu for the past two days and today woke up with a bladder infection and heat rash ouch it's not fun stuff at all.

My husband has been doing stuff for christmas with his work that I'm not able to come to because of caring for baby so on top of barely seeing him between taekwondo (five days a week) I also haven't seen him all weekend, I used to love doing that stuff with him.

I've been staying at the place where I work the last two days to visit because my house is lonely and since I'm not doing their food shopping anymore they only had tinned soup and peanut butter and jam sandwiches so on top of everything I feel terrible from what I've been eating.

He came to where I work to visit and he disrespects me in front of the youth I work with constantly, "can you get me a cookie I'm feeding the baby" "get your own damn cookie" and didn't want to go home though I was tired of being there especially since one of the girls has taken a particularly bad attitude toward everything and isn't ever happy, I was completely sick of her negative combacks to anything said. So I left and I'm home alone with baby though I do hate being lonely I hate negative attitudes and disrespect more.

This evening I expereinced that frightened feeling that scares me to the marrow of my bones, that I won't be able to take care of her, that I won't be able to handle it and will just break and give up, hand her over to someone and say please I can't take it anymore just formula feed her and leave me alone. But I want so badly to be a good mother and I love her dearly, which is why those thoughts scare me so badly. I couldn't imagine her confused little face wondering why I wasn't there she relies on me completely. I can't even leave her with aunty or grandma with expressed milk to go shopping anymore lately, she won't take her bottle and cries for me almost inconsolably.

I just feel crappy inside and out today. Physically, relationally, emotionally, even spiritually just crappy. My overall health just isn't well.

My "dark day" is pretty pathetic when compared to what other people are going through around the world, I just had to write it out to get my head on straight again and put things into perspective I'm already feeling a bit better about things, thank you blog. And I don't care if I've not done my best these last ten days I'm not a quiter it seems determination is ingrained in my nervous system.

I will beat this and get back on track. I will feel hot and good looking again, I will be in control of my body again to subject it to my dieting, excercise and other wills. I will take my measurements today. Because 20 days from now I'm going to be taking more progress pictures ready or not and there dang (oh oh bad word again) well better be some progress! because there is dang well going to be some effort put it to get them results.